Family and Medical Leave Act



√ Has Your Employment been Threatened Because of Maternity Leave or Time Needed to Care for an Ill Family Member?

√ This is a violation of the
Family and Medical Leave Act

pregnant woman sitting at a desk reading from her tablet

Contact Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon
to Protect Your Rights

Evan L. Goldman

Evan L. Goldman


Paula M. Dillon

Paula M. Dillon


Steven L. Davis

Steven L. Davis


Kristen Welsh Ragon

Kristen Welsh Ragon


If your employer failed to provide you with the allowed leave or retaliated against you for taking allowed time off from work, talk with a FMLA lawyer about your legal options.

Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon, P.C., can handle a broad range of FMLA violations involving:

  • Denial of FMLA benefits
  • Withdrawal of FMLA Benefits
  • Termination of an employee entitled to FMLA leave
  • Failure to promote or rehire an employee who took FMLA leave
  • Demotion of an employee once he or she returned from leave
  • Elimination of an employee’s position

In some cases, it may be better to file FMLA violations claims under the federal act, while in others, it is best to file through the state. This depends on your case and the option that offers you better protections and chance for a successful outcome. At Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon, your case will be handled in its entirety by an experienced FMLA lawyer, who will thoroughly review your claim and advise you on the best option.

Discrimination of any type is protected by the law and we are ready to fight for you.



For Evan L. Goldman

We cannot thank you enough for all of your help.  Your patience and guidance was so appreciated.  We enjoyed working with you immensely and we appreciate your offer to reach out when/if needed. 

During our initial consult with you we immediately respected and admired the fact that you were “human’.  We knew immediately that you were the attorney for us.  You maintained this quality the entire time and we greatly respect this.

With sincere thanks…  Anonynmous

For Paula M. Dillon

Attorney Paula M. Dillon’s, attention to detail and knowledge of employment law is outstanding.

Ms. Dillon’s integrity, professionalism, attention to client service and concise knowledge of employment law are just a few of her attributes, which makes her a remarkable attorney.

Attorney Paula M. Dillon, provided regular updates regarding my case, over a three year legal process and then my case came to a amicable end. Her incredible legal knowledge made a very difficult time in my life, easier to tolerate.  — Travis S.

Don’t Wait to Resolve the Matter.

Contact Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon Today About Your Case!

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to Begin Preparing Your Case

You Have Rights


Together we can Protect Them!

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