Do You Believe You Have a Wrongful Death Case?

You have the right to file an insurance claim against the negligent party and recover compensation.

picture of a blonde haired woman in a black suit sitting on a chair with her hand on her head

Contact Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon
to Protect Your Rights

Evan L. Goldman

Evan L. Goldman


Paula M. Dillon

Paula M. Dillon


Steven L. Davis

Steven L. Davis


Kristen Welsh Ragon

Kristen Welsh Ragon


What Is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

A family member’s death can create significant money worries, especially if the individual was the family’s main wage earner. Our goal is to help fill that gap.

After a death caused by another person, survivors of the deceased, including the spouse and minor children, may be able to file a claim against the party responsible for causing the death.

When an accident results in the death of a child, the child’s parents may also be entitled to bring a wrongful death action against the person who caused the accident. In limited circumstances, the adult children of a deceased person or the parents of a deceased adult may also be eligible to sue for damages in a wrongful death action.


Depending on the circumstances and the relationship between a survivor and the deceased, the damages in a wrongful death suit may include compensation for the following:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Loss of support and services
  • Loss of companionship, protection, advice or guidance
  • Conscious pain and suffering
  • Medical and funeral expenses

Don’t Wait to Resolve the Matter.

Contact Goldman Davis Krumholz & Dillon Today

to Determine if You have a Case!


For Evan L. Goldman

We cannot thank you enough for all of your help.  Your patience and guidance was so appreciated.  We enjoyed working with you immensely and we appreciate your offer to reach out when/if needed. 

During our initial consult with you we immediately respected and admired the fact that you were “human’.  We knew immediately that you were the attorney for us.  You maintained this quality the entire time and we greatly respect this.

With sincere thanks…  Anonynmous

For Paula M. Dillon

Attorney Paula M. Dillon’s, attention to detail and knowledge of employment law is outstanding.

Ms. Dillon’s integrity, professionalism, attention to client service and concise knowledge of employment law are just a few of her attributes, which makes her a remarkable attorney.

Attorney Paula M. Dillon, provided regular updates regarding my case, over a three year legal process and then my case came to a amicable end. Her incredible legal knowledge made a very difficult time in my life, easier to tolerate.  — Travis S.

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Together we can Protect Them!

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